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  • 06年出生的大学生可以入场吗?
    可以入场。 1.2米以下或年龄在6岁以下的儿童将不允许入场。
  • 确认身份证明包括哪些?可以使用手机身份证吗?
    用于成人认证的可接受身份证明如下: 中国大陆居民: 实体身份证明:身份证,户口簿,驾照,护照 移动身份证明:由CTID发行的电子身份证 外国人: 实体身份证明:护照,外国人永久居留身份证,本国发行的身份证
  • 我想了解防疫规定。
    户外口罩佩戴义务已经解除。 我们建议观众自愿选择是否佩戴口罩。
  • 我丢失或损坏了入场手环。还能进场吗?
    如果入场手环损坏或遗失,将无法入场。 但是,如果在演出观看过程中入场手环损坏,请立即联系现场工作人员。
  • 在现场是否可以购买门票呢?
    您可以前往活动场地入口处的售票亭购买门票。 但售票处可能会因售罄提前关闭。
  • 领取入场手环后,可以离开现场吗?
    为了防止票务交易,一旦在售票亭领取了入场手环的观众, 离开活动场地(包括售票亭和餐饮区)后,将无法重新入场。 对于将物品遗留在车内或需要外出处理事务的观众, 请在入场前解决问题后领取入场手环。 为保护通过官方渠道购票的观众,感谢您的理解和配合。
  • 因个人事情突然不能参加了。我可以在二手网站上将门票出售或转让给朋友吗?
    本音乐节门票为实名购票,用户购票后,所购门票不支持转赠与转售, 如无法参加,请尽快按照官方购票平台所公示的退票机制完成退票。 为了保障您的合法权益,请勿使用非官方平台购票
  • 是否设有行李寄存处?
    活动现场将设有付费行李寄存处。 具体位置请在后续公布的指引图上确认。 由于演出中使用各种水特效,衣服等物品可能会湿, 请注意保管电子设备等物品,如果您在观看时需要手机,请提前准备好防水袋! 由于水特效可能损坏个人物品,主办方、活动场地方和艺人方面不承担任何责任, 因此建议尽量穿着轻便的衣服。 但因可能发生物品丢失,因此请自行携带贵重物品。 主办方不承担物品丢失的责任。 ※使用过的行李寄存袋可用于装湿衣物带回。 行李寄存处寄存数量有限,存完即止。 未能及时进行存储的观众请自行保管好随身物品。 建议观众减少物品携带,轻便出行。
  • 是否可以吸烟?
    音乐节现场内不可吸烟。 请在核心观演区域外使用电子烟。
  • 是否设有更衣室?
    为了您更舒适地观看表演,现场将提供更衣室,以便您更换湿的衣物。 使用时可能需要排队等候,请您使用更衣室时注意礼让。 请提前准备更换衣服和毛巾。
  • 洗手间是否充足?
    将为入场观众提供充足的洗手间。 请查看后续发布的指引图以获取详细的位置信息。
  • 对于入场服装或鞋是否有限制?
    由于积水可能导致湿滑。 请尽量穿着能够保护脚部的鞋子,而非拖鞋,如穿着凉鞋请穿着有后带固定的凉鞋。 此外,请尽量避免穿高跟鞋、皮鞋等。 我们建议穿着沙滩装或防晒衣等衣服。 过度暴露的行为会被限制 太阳落山后天气可能会变冷,建议您准备额外的毛巾和长袖衣裤
  • 如果在观看演出时身体出现异常,应该去哪里?
    Waterbomb是以水特效和水秀环节为基础的,身体可能会长时间湿身并导致体温下降,请准备保暖的衣物和毛巾,并适当休息 另外,长时间湿身且暴露在阳光下可能导致晒伤 请提前准备防晒霜,并不仅涂抹在脸上,也要充分涂抹在暴露在外的身体部位,如手臂和腿部 如果在现场出现身体异常,请立即通知附近的安保人员或工作人员, 并且在活动场地内已设置了急救站,请提前了解位置,如有不适,请前往急救站接受治疗
  • 当天有官方拍摄团队吗?
    在活动现场会有官方摄影团队进行拍摄,同时媒体也将在现场进行拍摄 拍摄素材将用于后期宣传以及各媒体平台播放,关于拍摄到的观众的肖像权,主办方、艺人和赞助商将不承担任何责任 Waterbomb2024的官方摄影团队将代表观众记录每个时刻 拍摄的照片和视频将在Waterbomb 2024的官方Facebook上公开, 可能会有一些穿着暴露的观众,请大家尽量避免个人拍摄。
  • 现场可以拍照或录像吗?
    一般情况下,可以使用手机进行纪念拍摄,但不能使用专业相机设备(如单反相机等)直接拍摄表演内容 特别是对于艺人的涉及到版权和肖像权问题,可能会面临法律诉讼等问题。 如果发现拍摄更衣室或洗手间,或专注于他人特定部位的拍摄,将会立即被要求离场,并可能面临行政处罚 另外,未经授权的媒体拍摄内容如果上传到媒体平台,可能会通过相关平台制止该行为
  • 有什么禁止携带的物品呢?
    - 禁止携带毒品及相关物品 - 禁止携带危险物品:爆炸物、刀、气枪等可能造成伤害的物品 - 禁止携带外部食物:所有饮料和食品,包括水和酒类 - 禁止携带音响设备:如口哨或扩音器等 - 禁止携带大型包:尺寸超过30x30厘米的包(不包括斜挎包和透明包) - 禁止携带露营用品:帐篷、露营垫、露营椅等一切露营用品 - 禁止携带航空摄影设备:专业摄影设备,如单反高倍率变焦镜头等,以及无人机 - 禁止携带旗杆:艺人旗帜、国旗等装在旗杆上的物品(如果旗帜没有旗杆,则可以携带) - 除轮椅外带轮移动工具:自行车、滑板车、平衡车等 - 所有充气式喷雾器:驱虫喷雾、防晒喷雾等 - 警示棒:安保团队会使用警示棒发出紧急信号,为避免混淆,禁止携带 - ETC:主办方判定会对表演造成干扰或对他人不适的物品
  • 可以携带食物进入吗?
  • 水枪的水可以在哪里填满?
    活动现场会设置供水设施 所有观众可以自由使用,使用水已经过消毒处理,不会伤害皮肤 请您遵守节约用水
  • 可以携带个人水枪吗?
  • 可以携带宠物进入吗?
  • Can I purchase tickets on-site?
    Tickets can only be purchased through advance reservations. Separate announcement will be made for on-site sales.
  • Can I freely enter and exit the venue after I receive my wristband?
    In order to prevent illegal trading of tickets, there will be no re-entry into the venue (including ticket booth and F&B area) once you receive your wristband. This policy is intended to protect those who purchased tickets through official ticket sites, so we ask for your kind understanding.
  • If I cannot attend the festival, can I sell my ticket through another website or transfer it to a friend?
    Transferring or trading tickets among individuals is illegal. Both the seller and the buyer may be subject to civil and criminal action, so please only purchase tickets through the official ticket sites. If you are unable to attend the festival, please get a refund from the ticket site where you made the purchase.
  • Is coat check available?
    Coat check will be available on-site. Please look at the map to check the location. Please take a good care of your electronic devices and belongings as they may get wet due to various water special effects. If you plan on using your cellphone during the show, please remember to bring a waterproof phone pouch. The organizer, artist, and venue will not be held responsible for damages on your belongings from water special effects. Also, please have all valuables with you at all times. The organizer will not be held responsible for lost or stolen belongings. ※ You may keep the vinyl pouch to take your wet clothes back home.
  • Can I charge my phone on-site?
    Paid phone charge service is available only for smartphones.
  • Can I smoke inside the venue?
    Please only smoke at the designated smoking areas. This includes electronic cigarettes.
  • Will there be changing rooms?
    Yes, there will be changing rooms on-site. Please take note that there may be waiting time. Please bring a change of clothes and a towel.
  • Are there enough washrooms on-site?
    Yes, there will be enough washrooms for your convenience. Please look at the map to check the location.
  • How can I purchase food and drinks on-site?
    At WATERBOMB 2024, you will need a credit card or a debit card to purchase food and drinks at the site and online. Please take note cash will not be taken on-site.
  • Is there a limit on clothing or shoes?
    The floor may be slippery due to water special effects depending on the type of shoes you wear. Therefore, we recommend you to avoid wearing flip-flops or heels as they may lead to accidents. Instead, please wear sandals with straps or shoes that can protect your feet. As for your outfit, we recommend beach wear and rash guard. However, please avoid wearing inappropriate clothing that may cause discomfort to others.
  • What if I’m not feeling well during the show?
    As this festival involves water special effects and various water entertainment, you may be exposed to water for a long time. If you are exposed to water for a long time, your body temperature may go down, so please bring an extra change of clothes and a towel and take enough breaks in between. Also, you may get sunburn if you are exposed to the sun when you are wet. Therefore, please remember to use sunscreen not only on your face but also on your legs and arms. In the case of emergency, please inform the nearest staff or security and go to the emergency booth to check your condition.
  • Will there be official press on the show day?
    Yes, there will be official press as well as the media on-site to record the festival. The materials will be used for post promotion and broadcasted on various programs. The organizer, artist, and sponsor will not be held responsible for issues regarding the audience’s right of likeness. The photos and videos will be released through our official Facebook page.
  • Can I take pictures or videos at the festival?
    Phones are allowed but the use of professional cameras (DSLR level and above) is prohibited at the festival. Please be aware that taking photos and videos of artists during their performance is related to copyright and right of likeness and may lead to legal action. We strictly forbid anyone from taking pictures or videos at changing rooms and washrooms, as well as certain body parts of another individual. If found, not only will your phones and cameras be confiscated but you could potentially face criminal charges upon being escorted out of the festival.
  • Can I bring food or drink to the festival?
    There will be a bag check at the gate. Sharp objects, including knife or scissors, as well as dangerous items, including fireworks and explosives, are strictly prohibited. Also, all food and drink except water is prohibited. If you bring prohibited item inside the venue, it will be confiscated and you may be asked to leave the festival. There will be no refund. (For your enjoyment, food and beverages will be sold on-site)
  • Where can I fill my water gun with water?
    There will be water supply facility set up inside the venue. The water supplied at the festival has been sterilized and therefore, harmless to human body.
  • Can I bring my own water gun?
    Yes, you may bring your own water gun. However, you may not use any liquid other than water. If you do, your water gun will be confiscated and you will be asked to leave the festival.
  • Are pets allowed?
    Pets are not allowed at this festival.
  • Lastly, is there anything else I should know about to better enjoy the festival?
    We truly hope that you have the greatest summer time at our festival. We ask that you be respectful of others for everyone to have a memorable experience. Therefore, should there be reports or complaints from the audience of any physical or non-physical advances that cause discomfort, you will be escorted out of the venue immediately without further warning. We sincerely ask for your cooperation and consideration to host another fantastic year of WATERBOMB. See you soon!
  • 水枪使用注意事项
    - 仅允许在主观览区内使用水枪 在未经许可的区域使用水枪会被禁止。请务必避免在电子设备附近使用水枪 - 请避免向正在表演的艺人喷水。 如持续重复此行为,可能会被强制要求立场。 - 主办方不对水战中个人之间的争执负责,请注意不要给他人带来伤害
  • 水枪回收指南
    - 活动结束后,被丢弃的水枪将被回收,并将被制成官方回收产品 请将您要丢弃的水枪放入水枪回收箱,而不是垃圾箱 - 被丢弃在水枪回收箱外的水枪可能会被外部人员重新销售 在外部销售的二手水枪可能存在质量问题,您可以在官方商品店购买Waterbomb官方水枪
  • 安全注意事项
    - Waterbomb音乐节将使用音乐和各种特效 孕妇、老年人或对外部刺激敏感,可能引发癫痫、光过敏等健康问题的人,请谨慎入场 - 如需入场,请在事先与您的主治医师商议后,提前向主办方提交医生意见书 主办方对未提前申请的疾病和伤害不负责
  • 雨天需知
    - 一般情况下,即使下雨,演出仍将按原计划进行 正常进行:当天降雨量在60毫米以内(每小时不超过6毫米) *包括下雨在内的特别公告将根据演出当天上午8点/上午11点的发布标准进行 在不可抗的自然灾害情况下,演出可能会被取消或推迟
  • 观众注意事项指南
    - 在演出场内使用口哨及其他对他人造成不快的行为,若主办方判断严重影响活动进行的行为被发现,将被立即要求离场,不予警告,且不可退款 - 禁止在主观众区使用雨伞。使用雨伞可能会被制止并没收 - 由于演出中使用的各种水特效可能会使您湿身,请注意保管您的电子设备,将贵重物品存放在物品寄存处 - 晚间气温可能降低,请准备额外的衣物保持体温 - Waterbomb 2024不仅是吸烟者,也是非吸烟者的音乐节。 所有吸烟行为,包括电子烟,请在指定的吸烟区域内 除吸烟区以外其他区域,禁止吸烟。感谢您的配合。 如果持续违规,可能会被强制要求离场。 - 请适量饮酒,享受适量的乐趣 如果过度饮酒导致给他人带来不适或干扰活动进行,可能会被要求离场。 - 如果被发现拍摄更衣室,洗手间,或专注于他人特定部位的拍摄,将会立即被要求离场并移交警方,并可能面临行政处罚 - 主办方不对入场观众的个人疏忽和过失造成的财产损失、损坏或身体伤害负责
  • Water Gun Usage Notice
    - Water fighting is permitted only inside the main stage. Water fighting outside of the main stage can be restrained. Please refrain from water fighting near electronic devices. - Please refrain from shooting water guns at artists who are performing. Please note that if you continue to repeat the act, you may be forced to leave. -The organization is not responsible for disputes and injuries between audiences that cause water fighting, so please be careful not to cause any damage to others.
  • Water Gun Recycle
    - After the event, the water guns that are thrown away will be collected and reborn as official recycling products. Please put the water guns that you want to throw away in the water gun collection box, not the trash can. – Water guns thrown out of the collection box can be collected and resold by outside general dealers. Please note that used water guns sold outside are likely to be defective, and you can purchase official water guns of Waterbomb at the Item Shop located within the stage.
  • Safety Guidelines
    – The Waterbomb Festival uses loud sounds and a variety of special effects. Pregnant women, the elderly, or those who are sensitive to external stimuli and can cause health problems such as seizures and photosensitivity diseases are advised to refrain from entering. - If you would like to enter, please consult with your doctor and forward the written statement to the organization in advance. The organization is not responsible for diseases and injuries that have not been communicated in advance.
  • In Case of Rain
    -The Waterbomb will be held as scheduled normally in rainy weather. -Normal progress: less than 60mm of precipitation (6mm per hour within the event time) on the same day *Special announcements, including rain, are based on the announcement at 8 a.m./11 a.m. on the performance day. Performances may be canceled or postponed in case of a natural disaster or force majeure.
  • Audience Attention Guide
    – If you use a whistle in the venue, an act that offends others, or an act that seriously hinders the event’s progress when determined by the organizer, you can leave without warning, and no refund is possible. – The use of umbrellas is prohibited within the main stage. It may be restrained and confiscated when used. – It may get wet due to various special effects of water during the performance, so please pay attention to storing electronic devices and leave your valuables in the storage room. – The temperature may decrease in the evening, so please prepare extra clothes to maintain your body temperature. – Waterbomb is a festival not only for smokers but also for non-smokers. All smoking activities, including e-cigarettes, are only allowed in designated smoking areas and are not allowed in the concert hall. If smoking is caught in the concert hall, the security guard will immediately stop it, and if you are caught continuously, you may be forced to leave. – Please enjoy drinking as much as you can. Excessive drinking can cause inconvenience to others or interfere with the proceedings of the event, and you may be forced to leave. – If sexual harassment, illegal filming in the bathroom or dressing room, or intensive filming of a specific part of another person's body is detected, they can be immediately sent off and handed over to the police and face criminal punishment. – The organizer is not responsible for material damage, loss, or physical injury caused by the carelessness and negligence of the audience.


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